
Today’s global energy crisis

The overlapping crises are affecting many parts of Africa’s energy systems, including reversing positive trends in improving access to modern energy, with 4% more people living without electricity in 2021 than in 2019.

Affordable energy for all Africans

Demand for energy services in Africa is set to grow rapidly; maintaining affordability remains an urgent priority. Africa has the world’s lowest levels of per capita use of modern energy

Safety Rules in Construction

To avoid injuries, accidents, and other health problems in a construction site below are general construction safety rules that should be followed to keep workers and visitors safe:

Why hydropower plays a major role in the world's energy balance.

It’s an energy source that makes an important contribution to combating climate change because it avoids the use of fossil fuels and reduces emissions of carbon dioxide, climate-altering gases and particulate matter, thereby counteracting pollution and the greenhouse effect.

Africa’s nuclear power plans

Besides the potential to generate electricity, nuclear technology is seen as a way to address food security and other development challenges in the continent of 1.2 billion people.

Age is no barrier. It’s a limit you put on your mind

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